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Most frequent Québec Netfile errors

by Intuit Updated 3 weeks ago

This article lists errors that will help you resolve the most frequent issues
encountered for Québec's NetFile.

This article lists errors for

TP1 errors

Error Description Resolution
 T3BBAS45 A transmission is already in progress for this tax return.

This is caused by Revenu Québec protection implemented to prevent an overload by the transmission of many declarations consecutively. 
Resending to Revenu Québec only works after receiving a notice of assessment.
 T3BAAS11The preparer codes and password are missing or incorrect.Select Options under the EFILE menu in the top toolbar. Select TP1 Internet under T1.

Ensure credentials are up-to-date, then navigate to the Info form. In the Preparer Information section, right-click and select Update Preparer Information.
 T3BBAS11Each transmission must be unique by a combination of preparer and the value entered at the NoTrans beacon.
 T3BBAS07The preparer doesn't have permission to transmit the tax return or have EFILE credentials.Select Options under the EFILE menu in the top toolbar. Select TP1 Internet under T1.

Enter the NetFile Québec number in fields CRA Preparer number and NETFILE QC number.
 T3BAAS12The combination of preparer number and access code does not match Revenu Québec databases and the number of unsuccessful attempts is exceeded.

Similar but different from error T3BBAS12. 
The tax return was transmitted more than 5 times. As a result, the submitter is blocked from further transmissions.

Contact Revenu Québec to get unblocked.
T3BBAS12Similar but different from error T3BAAS12.  Tax return has already been sent and accepted.
T3BBBS01Identification number is invalid (TP80-NEQ, Box 22).
T3BBAS04There are invalid characters in the provincial tax return (TP1).This is due to overrides in the return or the Language Format.

Change your language to French Canada in your computer's control panel under Region.
T3BAAS19You are not authorized to use the transmission service.Review your access code.

Select Options under the EFILE menu in the top toolbar. Select TP1 Internet under T1.

If the access code is correct, access may have been been revoked. Contact Revenu Québec to confirm if this is the case.
T3BBAS51 The return is not eligible for the transmission of an amended declaration. This is a ReFile error.

Confirm that the TPF1C is complete.

Confirm the MR69 has been completed and sent to Revenu Québec.
T3BBAS56You cannot transmit a modified return because the last transmitted return has not yet been processed. Wait for the original to be processed.
EDI # 1the client is under 18 years of age and is not eligible for the solidarity credit (TP1D).

Clients who turned 18 during the year must apply for credit online or by mail, not in the tax return.
EDI # TN1, 2, 3… (100… +)Information is missing in business income, rentals, fisheries, and agriculture forms (T2125, T776, for example).
CL00029Information is missing or there are incorrect characters in the RL31, TP1029.LR, TP1029.TM, or other similar forms.
CL00007There is an incorrect accommodation number or personnel number in TP1D (RL31). This can also can be an invalid character or override on a provincial form.
CL00001, 2, 3…Information is missing or overridden in the identification area of the TP1.
TPH1016CSubmitters must indicate a description in field 1071 of the TP1EFILE form.
TPH2501CSubmitters must indicate a description in field 2501 of the TP1EFILE form.
TPHB0465Review the calculations between lines 451 to 462. They may be either overridden or not eligible for certain credits (for example, RRQ or TP1OtherCredits).
TPHB0470Review the calculations between lines 101 to 470. This is either an override or rounding off error, particularly on the TP1P.
TPH0109E RenoVert - TP 1029.RV, line 116, section 2.2 (Returns 2019 and prior)Review line 34 of the TP1B to determine if it differs from the amount Revenu Québec has.

Either a substitution or an amount transferred by the spouse or an amount for the age is the issue.
TPH0207ASince you entered number 01 (Expenses as a forestry worker) in box 206 of the return, you must enter an amount on line 42 of form TP-78-V, Employment Expenses of Forestry Workers.Ensure there is an amount on box 42 of form TP-78 and that the form TP-78 is completed.

To fill out the form TP-78, you need to also fill out out the federal form T2200. This flows automatically on the TP64.3, which in turn flows to TP78.

Verify that box 1 is checked yes on TP64.3.

This will prevent having to override on form TP78.
HB0B36 (TPHB036B)Review the amount entered on line 36 of Schedule B. It differs from the result we obtained for this line. Review all data on TP1Medical.
HB0P54You entered an amount on line 54 of TP1P; either an override or invalid amount that must be corrected.
HB0250This is caused by a rounding-off error in TP80 box 250.

Override box 248 with the correct amount (cents).
HBU250TP80 is missing fields.Correct box 14 of RL15, this has no direct effect on the tax return.
NAICSInvalid or missing economic activity code on the T2125.
CQA22TThe date must be the end of the current year (for example, 2023/12/31 for a 2023 return) at the bottom, part 2.3 of TP75.2, TP78, TP64.3, and others.
H00Q10The date of birth is not eligible.
H00Q01the TP1FC is verified but there must be direct changes to the return.
A00020You must change the marital status because the spouse died before the tax year.

Select Single instead of Widowed. The spouse can only be widowed during the tax year of the death.
An error has occurred in processing of the response CRAEither NEQ is incomplete or information is missing on the TPZ 1029.MD.5.

Determine if TP1J, Part A and Part B are both completed when only one of the two should be.

The prior year return may have already been pre-assessed. Contact MRQ to determine if this is the case.
A component named DigEfile_NetFileServices already existsClose ProFile and reopen as Administrator.
A component named DigEfile_NetFileServices already existsClose ProFile and reopen as Administrator.
Web service unavailableCheck that your EFILE path is properly set.

Confirm your internet settings are properly set.

Confirm your firewall settings are not blocking ProFile.
The element formulaire TP-1D was invalid child element TP_128The maximum number of forms has been exceeded.The maximum forms permitted for TP-128 is 9. It's necessary to paper file if the number of forms exceeds this limit.


Read the error message carefully to determine on which form the error occurs.

Review the overrides. Most overrides are usually not necessary, but note that most of the entries on the TP1 come from the federal T1 side. As a result, if you need to override the TP1 confirm you can make the change on the federal form first.

Review and address auditor warnings, including EDI errors.

Other possible causes:

 Error Resolution
The content is incomplete in TP-1D.Review overrides in TP1 (Identification).
The element TP-1D_Conjoint is incomplete.TP31, box 31 in TP1 is overridden.
The U18 element is invalid."U" invalid / missing information in TP80.
The A56 element is invalid. "A" overrides or invalid data in TP1.
The MD101 element is invalid.Information missing or incomplete in TPZ1029.MD.
The YE1 element is invalid."Y" overrides or invalid or missing data in employment expenses, for example TP64.3 or TP59.
The "NoControleDecl" element has incomplete content "NoPrep".The Preparer code missing.
U34 element is invalid.TP80 Activity is covered, it must be Profession or commission. Change the value in T2125.
Z34 element is invalid.Invalid or missing information in TP128 or TP80, for example.
P_128 element is invalid.Invalid or missing information in the description of the top or part associated with the bottom.
HA5A element is invalid. The value "qc" is invalid as an entry. The province on the Info form must be uppercase (for example, QC).
T681 element is invalid.An invalid character is entered in a provincial form (for example, TP1T).
TP443 element is invalid.TP1Impots must not have a value in cents but must must round to nearest dollar.
TP2363 element is invalid.Override number of days to 365 in form TP350.1.

If you cannot determine which form is causing the issue, save a new copy of the return and delete the forms individually until the error clears. This indicates which form is causing the issue.

CO-17 errors

 Error Description Resolution
13960/13962 Run ProFile as Administrator, then check the designated access codes by selecting Options under the EFILE menu in the top toolbar.
13961"A technical error has occurred".1. Confirm you are able to print the PDF. If not, troubleshoot the printing issue first.

2. If you are able to print the PDF, verify the overrides are legitimate.

3. Review your ProFile version and messages in the RSI tab of the auditor.

4. In File Properties, uncheck the "MRQ error" checkbox on each EFILE attempt.

If this fix fails, try to archive the settings.
13965ProFile version is not current. Update your version of ProFile.
13966The preparer access codes are missing, incorrect or expired.Correct the preparer access codes by selecting Options under the EFILE menu in the top toolbar.
13978Check your EFILE directories by selecting Options under the EFILE menu in the top toolbar.

For example, a correct directory would look like C:\[USER NAME]\Name\Documents\ MyProfileData\T2Returns\EFILE.
13971Invalid Character in one of the Quebec provincial forms.Check overrides.
23519ImpotNet QC and Access Code QC codes are incorrect or missing.
507 - 573The characters in A100Notes are invalid.Copy and paste the characters into a RTF program like Notepad. Fix any formatting problems, then copy the characters back into A100Notes (S100Notes).
54570Attach the financial statements by Hyperdoc.
37644According to Revenu Québec records, the company does not have an income tax file number.
37646The company has not registered with Revenu Québec.Contact Revenu Québec to register the company.
60520/60521 Number of hours are missing.Add the hours in CO771, field 7b.
Web service not availableReview your EFILE directory.

Review your internet options.

Review your firewall settings.

Ensure any anti-virus programs is not blocking ProFile.

FX/Q errors

 ErrorDescription Resolution
MM error Transmitter number missing.Information is incomplete in the identification fields.

Select Options under the EFILE dropdown menu in the top toolbar to open the options window.
13966Incorrect or missing transmitter numbers.Select Options under the EFILE dropdown menu in the top toolbar to open the options window.

Provincial Transmitter Code (QC) starts with NP and has 6 digits. The ID number has 10 digits.
Series Numbers for all RL Slips must be 9 digits.

Visit Revenu Québec's website to get information on how to obtain a series of sequential numbers

TP646 errors

TP646 is not electronically transmitted to Revenu Québec at this time.

Intuit ProFile Tax

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