Using Client Explorer filters
by Intuit• Updated 11 months ago
By design, the Client Explorer displays all files, regardless of the type of return, taxation year, or status. Use filters to display only files that meet the criteria you set.
For example, you may only want to see current T1 files that are ready to EFILE.
Setting filters
- Select the Filter button at the top of the Client Explorer window. The Filters pane displays at the bottom of the screen.
- To display only T1 files, for example, select the checkbox on the T1 tab and clear the other module tabs by unchecking them.
- Select the current year and clear the checkboxes for all other years.
- In the T1 EFILE Status section, select the Eligible status and clear all other EFILE Status options. Changing status filters will sort the database to show only client files that have matching status settings.
Hint: ProFile T1 automatically changes the EFILE status to Eligible when there are no unresolved EFILE errors. The file must be selected for EFILE on the Personal Information form.
5. Select the All tab in the client view to view the current year T1 files that are eligible for EFILE.
Refining the filter options
You can also filter by:
Year or Year-end: Select the taxation year for any tax return file or the year-end for corporate tax returns.
Status: For each data file you can set status flags to show the client status and the Federal EFILE eligibility. For example, you may want to list all the files that are, Waiting for client (waiting for the client to bring information to you).
Event and date: ProFile maintains a history log of all the activity of a file since you created or carried it forward. For example, you may wish to see all the files created in February. You can always return to viewing all clients by selecting All Clients from the View drop-down list.
Show Competitor's Files: ProFile displays both ProFile and competitor files in the client list. Once you have carried forward all your competitor files, you may only want to see ProFile files in the client list. Deselect Show competitor's files to view only ProFile files.
Preparer or Partner: If you want to see all the files prepared or reviewed by a particular person, enter the preparer initials in the Preparer field. The initials you enter here must match the initials entered on that user's Options -> Environment -> Preparer tab, you may want to list all the files that have been Completed by the preparer with the initials SDK.
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