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The CRA will no longer collect forms S546, S547, and S548 for Ontario

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

The CRA will no longer collect forms S546, S547, and S548 for Ontario

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has announced that it will no longer collect annual return information on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.

The change applies as of May 15, 2021 and impacts the following forms:

  • Schedules 546 and 547, Corporations Information Act Annual Return for Ontario Corporations, in ProFile T2
  • Schedule 548, Corporations Information Act Annual Return for Foreign Business Corporations, in ProFile T2

If you are currently working on a return that contains one or more of these schedules, CRA will only process these forms if the return is filed and processed before May 15, 2021. The forms will be removed from ProFile in future modules.

You can review updated details on filing an Ontario corporation annual return at

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