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What can be EFILED from ProFile

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago
ModuleCan be EFILEDCannot be EFILED
T1/TP1T1 individual return - 2017 to current year
T1 Auto-fill my Return (AFR) - 2016 to current year
Authorize a Representative and Cancel a Representative forms - current year (cannot be re-submitted)

T1135 - 2017 to current year
T1135 Amended - 2017 to current year

T1134 - 2021 to current year
T1134 Amended - 2021 to current year

T1 ReFILE - 2020 and later

T1 Express Notice of Assessment (ENOA) - 2017 to current year

T1PAD - current year

TP1 NETFILE - 2020 to current year
TP1 amendment NETFILE - 2020 and later
RQ Data Import - 2020 to current year

Business Consent Authorization request and Business Consent Cancellation request - 2022 to current year

Authorization to communicate information or Power of Attorney MR69 - Current year
T1 return - 2016 and older
TP-1.R (TP1 adjustment)
T2/CO-17/AT1T2 corporate return - from 2007 to current year (returns must be created in the correct module)1
T2 adjustments - Tax year starting April 1, 2015 to present

CO17 NETFILE - Tax year starting January 1, 2019 to current year
CO17 amendments - 2019 to current year

AT1 NETFILE - Year start date of 2016 to current year
AT1 NETFILE (Alberta) for amended corporate returns - With the updated T2 2016-2019 module, users can NETFILE amended returns for taxation years starting January 1, 2016 and ending on or before the current date.

T106 - from 2015 to current year

T1134 - from 2015 to current year

T1135 - from 2015 to current year
T1135 Amended - from 2015 to current year

Business Consent Authorization request and Business Consent Cancellation request - 2016-2018 or later modules

Authorization to communicate information or Power of Attorney MR69 - Current year
T2 corporate return - 2006 and older

ProFile does not support .cor file production for uploading to CRA
T3/TP-646T3 returns - 2017 to 2020 - XML filing only

T3RET/T3M/T3RCA returns - 2021 to current year

T3P/T3PRP - 2023 and later

Original only. CRA doesn't accept amended T3 returns by EFILE from any year.

T1135 - 2022 to current year - Both amended and original

T3, NR4, RL16 original slips - 2015 to current year only

T3, NR4, RL16 amended or cancelled slips - 2015 to current year only

Authorization to communicate information or Power of Attorney MR69 - 2021 to current year
T3 Information Return pre-2017 - paper only

Amended T3 returns from any year

TP-646 return - paper only

Any other slips for prior years
FX/QT4, T4A, NR4, T5008, and T5018 original, amended, or cancelled slips - current year only.

Note: the above slips may or may not transmit for prior years depending on the CRA slip template. If the template for the prior year has not changed on CRA's end, the slip may be transmitted correctly. We recommended to paper file older years slips if there are any issues with transmission.

T5 - 2019 to current year

T5013 slips and return - current year only, beginning with ProFile version 2017.3.0

T2202a - 2019

RL1, RL2, RL3, RL8, RL15, RL24, RL25, RL30, and RL31 original, amended, and cancelled slips  - 2016 to current year only

RL summaries are not sent to MRQ with the RL slip filing. Be sure to file RL summaries by mail or use the MRQ electronic service.

Authorization to communicate information or Power of Attorney MR69 - 2022 to current year
Any other slips for prior years

T5013 return for prior years


1As per the CRA: Effective on October 19, 2015 (Fall Release) in accordance with the latest CRA requirements, Corporation Internet Filing (CIF page) will stop accepting T2 returns filed in EDI format. EDI was replaced by a custom format in 2009, but the CIF page continued to accept returns in EDI format. CIF will now reject the EDI format returns with new error message #40: We no longer accept returns in the format of the attached file. Please file your return on paper.

Intuit ProFile Tax

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