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How to extract log files from ProFile

by Intuit Updated 2 years ago

Log files are a recording of ProFile activity. Often, they can provide important insight into the software and computer behaviour if there is an issue or error. They may be requested by a support agent to assist in troubleshooting an issue.

  1. Open ProFile.
  2. Select Environment... from the Options drop-down menu in the top toolbar. The Environment Options window displays.
  3. Select the System tab.
  4. Check the Static Logs checkbox in the For Technical Support Only section.
  5. Select the OK button.
  6. Attempt to replicate the error; the log files will capture and document the error process.
  7. Select the Support > System Information... option from the Help dropdown menu in the top toolbar. The System information window displays.
  8. Select the Save button. The Save As window displays.
  9. Navigate to the location/folder to save the log files.
  10. Select the Save button. Two files (gpinfo.txt and LogFiles.dat) save to the selected location.
  11. Select the Close button in the System information window.
  12. Select Environment... from the Options drop-down menu in the top toolbar. The Environment Options window displays.
  13. Select the System tab.
  14. Uncheck the Static Logs checkbox in the For Technical Support Only section.

The profile.log and profile.static.log files are located in the AppData folder. This is a hidden folder and it's necessary to search and identify it.

  1. Close ProFile.
  2. Open a Windows Explorer window.
  3. Enter the term %APPDATA% in the top menu bar and press Enter.
  4. Navigate to the following directory: C:\Users\[USER NAME]\AppDataRoaming\ProFileLogs.
  5. Sort by Date modified.
  6. Copy the three most recent ProFile_[DATE].log files.
  7. Attach the three files to the escalation.

*.TAX, *.EAX and *.SLG files are XML files created by the software to transmit EFILE information to the CRA:

  • *.TAX = T1 returns
  • *.EAX = TP1 returns
  • *.SLG = Batch EFILE
  • *.XML = FX slips and summaries and T3 slips and summaries

Note: These XML files are not available for T2 Corporate returns.

Extracting *.TAX, *.EAX & *.SLG files

These files are located under the T1 EFILE directory in ProFile.

  1. Select Options under the EFILE dropdown menu in ProFile.
  2. Select the option T1 in the left pane.
  3. Review the path listed in the EFILE Directory field; this is the location where  the *.TAX, *.EAX & *.SLG files are located.

By default, this location will be C:\Users\[USER NAME]\Documents\My ProFile\DataEFILE.


ProFile automatically organizes the .TAX and .EAX files by SIN and year and includes a Batch folder inside of each year for the .SLG files. ProFile overrides files each time an attempt at EFILE is made.


Extract T3 & FX *.XML files

ProFile saves the XML transmission files with the return or to a pre-set location set by the user under EFILE > Options > T3/FX.


The XML file uses the name of the trust or Entity.

Note: ProFile does not override previous XML files, but instead tags a number to the file name.


  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFile.
  2. Double-click on the file SystemInfo.exe; the System Information window displays.
  3. Select the Save button. The Save As window displays.
  4. Navigate to the location/folder to save the log files.
  5. Select the Save button. Two files (gpinfo.txt and LogFiles.dat) save to the selected location.
  6. Select the Close button.

Note: Also include if available, the profile.log & profile.static.log files (see section Extracting log files above).

Intuit ProFile Tax

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