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ProFile's new backup utility

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

After installing ProFile version 2022.0.0, users can now back up their ProFile data to any available location of their choosing via a new utility. Users will be offered an opportunity back up the first time they install ProFile for the first time (2022.0.0 or later) or install updates using Check for Updates... in the Online menu. Users can also run the utility from the installation folder once 2022.0.0 or later is installed.

Before starting the backup, make sure all client files are closed. Leaving files open could potentially cause file corruption.

  1. After selecting Check for Updates... in the Online menu, if applicable you will see a reminder near the bottom of the window advising to back up your ProFile files.

    update backup reminder.jpg
  2. Users can either select Cancel and update manually, update without backing up, or use the new utility. To use the utility, select Update.
  3. ProFile runs through its normal update download process.

    regular ProFile update.jpg
  4. Select the Back up and install radio button and then select Next if you want to open the backup utility. If you do not need to back up you can select Install only.

    select backup.jpg
  5. If you choose to back up, a window appears. You can select your folders from which you are backing up by selecting the file folder under Step 1. The default My ProFile Data folder inside C:\Users\(user)\Documents automatically backs up when using this tool, as well as the ProFile installation folder.

    backup your files.jpg
  6. Under Step 2, select the file folder to set up your backup location. The default location will be C:\Users\(User)\Documents\My ProFile Data backup.
  7. Select Backup Files. Select Finish when backup is complete.

    back up complete.jpg
  8. Click Install now to finish installing the update.
  1. Download a GPsetup.exe file from here and doubleclick to run when finished. See this article for more about downloading and installing ProFile.
  2. After opening ProFile for the first time and entering license information a Set up back up process window appears. Select Skip if you do not want to back up or Back up with tool to back up your files.

    Set up your back up process.jpg
  3. If you choose to back up, a window appears. You can select your folders from which you are backing up by selecting the file folder under Step 1. The default My ProFile Data folder inside C:\Users\[user]\Documents automatically backs up when using this tool, as well as the ProFile installation folder.

    back up your files install.jpg
  4. Under Step 2, select the file folder to set up your backup location. The default location will be C:\Users\[User]\Documents\My ProFile Data backup.
  5. Select Backup Files. Select Finish when backup is complete.

When updating or installing 2022.0.0, the utility is added to the installation folder (Default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\ProFile). You can run this if you weren't ready to or didn't want to back up files during installation.

  1. Open the application profilebackuptool from the ProFile installation folder.
  2. You can select your folders from which you are backing up by selecting the file folder under Step 1. The default My ProFile Data folder inside C:\Users\(user)\Documents automatically backs up when using this tool, as well as the ProFile installation folder.

    back up your files install.jpg
  3. Under Step 2, select the file folder to set up your backup location. The default location will be C:\Users\(User)\Documents\My ProFile Data backup.
  4. Select Backup Files. Select Finish when backup is complete.

Frequently asked questions

Is this related to the Keep Backup feature found in Options Environment?

No. When Keep Backup is checked, a backup file is stored in the ProFile data folder inside a folder called BackupFiles. This new backup process allows the user to send client files to another backup location to further protect data.

If I use the backup utility once, will files I create in future automatically be backed up?

If other files are created or moved into the ProFile Data folder, another backup will have to be run. The utility will not back up automatically at this time.

Does this feature replace Back to Cloud?

This is a separate feature from Backup to Cloud. The Backup to Cloud feature will continue to operate as it does now.

ProFile Tax

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