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How to uninstall and reinstall ProFile

by Intuit Updated 2 years ago

It may be necessary at some point to uninstall and reinstall ProFile.

Follow the instructions below to uninstall and/or reinstall ProFile.

  1. Open the Control Panel on your computer.
  2. Select the Programs and Features option.
  3. Locate the ProFile software in the program list.
  4. Select the ProFile software and click the Uninstall option at the top of the list.

Windows prompts for a confirmation to uninstall ProFile.

5. Click the Yes button. The Uninstall Complete window displays.

6. Click the Finish button.
7. Reboot the computer.

  1. Navigate to the Download ProFile site.
  2. Click the orange Download ProFile button in the top-right corner. The file gpsetup.exe downloads to your computer.
  3. Locate and double-click on the gpsetup.exe file; the installation prompt displays.
  4. Follow the installation prompts to install ProFile.

Note: The installation process may prompt for the Microsoft Visual C++ and/or Microsoft .NET Framework. Those Windows installation must be performed in order for the software to install and run.

5. Click the OK button to confirm and proceed with the installation.

Intuit ProFile Tax

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